Degrees and Certificates
Clinical Mental Health Counseling (Columbia, Richmond, and Savannah), Master of Arts (MA) -
Clinical Mental Health Counseling (West Palm Beach), Master of Arts (MA)
CNS6002: Counseling Theory
Credits 4.5CNS6006: Counseling Theory Seminar
Credits 0.5CNS6018: Psychopathology
Credits 4.5This course involves an introduction to the study of abnormal behaviors in children, adolescents, and adults. The etiology, definition, prevalence rate, and morbidity of disorders in the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) are reviewed. The course will focus on an introduction to the science and art of clinical assessment as the foundation of practice in mental health settings and the use of assessment techniques in a professional and ethical manner. In part, adjustment disorders, V codes, and the ICD system will be studied. Students will primarily concentrate on serious mental disorders in the context of normal lifecycle transitions and review various methods of treatment related to the disorders covered. The course will make a concerted effort to apply the above to the "real world" of mental health professionals by examining treatment and assessment considerations.
CNS6050: Lifespan Development
Credits 4.5This course includes studies that provide a broad understanding of the nature and needs of individuals at all levels of development: normal and abnormal behavior; personality theory; lifespan theory; and learning theory within cultural contexts. Appropriate strategies for facilitating development over the lifespan are also integrated into the course.
CNS6051: Diagnostics of Psychopathology and Treatment
Credits 4.5This course provides advanced training in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of serious psychopathology as depicted in the standard nomenclature of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and subsequent revisions/editions. Students will focus on the descriptions, etiology, and major diagnostic categories in order to effectively diagnose and develop appropriate treatment options. In addition, students will learn how to utilize the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and Clinical Modification System according to the latest version. Upon completing the course, students will have an understanding of the techniques practitioners use in the diagnosis and treatment of psychopathology.
CNS6056: Lifespan Development Seminar
Credits 0.5CNS6161: Counseling Techniques
Credits 4.0CNS6313: Professional Orientation and Ethics
Credits 4.5This course will provide an in-depth review of the multifaceted aspects (historical, philosophical, societal, cultural, economic, political), professional identity (e.g., roles, functions), and practice issues (e.g., managed care, reimbursement, expert witness status) specific to Clinical Mental Health Counselors. The course also examines ethical and legal standards (ACA and AMHCA Code of Ethics), risk management, and professional credentialing according to the Foundations of Clinical Mental Health Counseling.
CNS6317: Professional and Ethical Issues Seminar
Credits 0.5CNS6425: Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Credits 4.0This course will provide an introduction to the field of clinical mental health counseling according to clinical and professional issues. Specifically, students will examine treatment delivery systems and gain an understanding of the dynamic interplay of professionals within these systems. The course will also focus on program analysis via theory and empirical methods.
CNS6504: Group Dynamics Seminar
Credits 0.5CNS6509: Group Dynamics
Credits 4.5This course provides a comprehensive overview of group development, dynamics, and counseling theories. Students will explore various group leadership styles and examine both fundamental and advanced methods and techniques in group counseling. The course covers diverse approaches to conducting group sessions while emphasizing the importance of counselor self-evaluation, including ethical and legal considerations critical to professional practice in the counseling field.
CNS6529: Research and Statistical Evaluation
Credits 4.5CNS6532: Research and Evaluation Seminar
Credits 0.5CNS6535: Clinical Mental Health Appraisal I
Credits 4.5A broad understanding of group and individual educational and psychometric theories, ethical, and legal approaches to appraisal is the goal of this course; also examined are data and information gathering methods; validity and reliability; psychometric statistics; factors influencing appraisals; and use of appraisal results in helping processes. Also, the specific ability to select, administer and interpret tests and inventories to assess abilities, interests, and identify career options is considered.
CNS6538: Clinical Mental Health Appraisal Seminar
Credits 0.5CNS6565: Multicultural Foundations
Credits 4.5CNS6568: Multicultural Foundations Seminar
Credits 0.5CNS6602: Lifestyle and Career Development
Credits 4.5CNS6605: Lifestyle and Career Development Seminar
Credits 0.5CNS6709: Couples, Marital, and Family Dynamics
Credits 4.0CNS6775: Counseling Administration, Advocacy, Supervision and Policy
Credits 4.0CNS6800: Human Sexuality
Credits 4.0CNS6850: Psychopharmacology
Credits 4.0CNS6901: Diagnosis and Treatment of Addictive Disorders
Credits 4.0This course will introduce students to the history, philosophy, and trends in addictions counseling. Students will examine prevalence rates, etiology, course, duration, and the diagnostic features of disorders within a biopsychosocial context and through use of the DSM. Additionally, multiple treatment modalities will be explored with regard to inpatient, outpatient, residential, and self-help strategies.
CNS7010: Pre-Practicum IA
Credits 1.0In this pre-practicum experience, the student is required to receive 15 hours of faculty instruction that will focus on writing a resume and cover letter, identifying possible clinical placement sites, interviewing at potential clinical sites, securing a site and signing a field agreement, purchasing liability insurance, clinical skills practice, and reviewing necessary paperwork for practicum and internship.
CNS7011: Practicum IB (100 clinical hours)
Credits 1.0CNS7510: Internship IA (200 clinical hours)
Credits 4.0CNS7610: Internship IIA (200 clinical hours)
Credits 4.0CNS7611: Internship IIB (200 clinical hours)
Credits 4.0CNS7900: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar
Credits 0CNS7901: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar
Credits 0CNS7902: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar
Credits 0CNS7903: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar
Credits 0CNS7904: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar
Credits 0CNS7905: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar
Credits 0CNS7906: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar
Credits 0This course is designed to serve as an academic, clinical and professional development opportunity for students to gain 1) additional experience and knowledge regarding case conceptualizations and clinical skill development, 2) professional presentation experience in the context of campus and system-wide audiences, 3) advanced knowledge regarding ethical, legal, and professional issues in the profession, 4) exposure to techniques that will enhance their professional development and marketability following graduation in the context of employment and/or graduate studies at the doctoral level. Pass/Fail
CNS7907: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar
Credits 0CNS7908: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar
Credits 0CNS7909: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar
Credits 0CNS7950: Child/Adolescent Psychopathology and Treatment
Credits 4.0CNS7970: Crisis and Trauma
Credits 4.0CNS8100: Preliminary Clinical Evaluation
Credits 0CNS8101: Preliminary Didactic Evaluation
Credits 0This experience is designed to serve as a preliminary examination of the knowledge and skills obtained/achieved by a student, to date, in the program. The bodies of knowledge include (yet are not limited to) Human Growth and Development, Social and Cultural Foundations, Helping Relationships, Group Work, Career and Lifestyle Development, Appraisal, Research and Program Evaluation, Professional Orientation and Ethics, Fundamentals of Counseling, Assessment and Career Counseling, and Group Counseling. The examination is comprised of a multiple-choice exam. Students must pass all portions of the exam in order to advance in the program. Those desiring to take the examination must have student status (as defined by South University) in order to enroll and sit for the exam. Pass/Fail