
Degrees and Certificates


CNS6002: Counseling Theory

Credits 4.5
The basic theory, principles, and techniques of counseling and its application to professional counseling settings are explained. Also considered are the various theories of counseling and issues (e.g., counselor self-evaluation (moral), ethical, and legal) in the practice of professional counseling.

CNS6006: Counseling Theory Seminar

Credits 0.5
The basic theory, principles, and techniques of counseling and its application to professional multicultural counseling settings are explained. Also considered are the various theories, principles and techniques of counseling and issues (e.g., counselor self-evaluation (moral), ethical, and legal) in the practice of professional counseling. An orientation to wellness and prevention as desired counseling goals, essential interviewing and counseling skills, and consultation theories and their application in various professional settings will be integrated in this course. An understanding of the family and systems theories will be conveyed. This coursework will conclude with crisis intervention and suicidal prevention models. This course is designed for students pursuing North Carolina Licensure requirements of this core course.

CNS6018: Psychopathology

Credits 4.5

This course involves an introduction to the study of abnormal behaviors in children, adolescents, and adults. The etiology, definition, prevalence rate, and morbidity of disorders in the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) are reviewed. The course will focus on an introduction to the science and art of clinical assessment as the foundation of practice in mental health settings and the use of assessment techniques in a professional and ethical manner. In part, adjustment disorders, V codes, and the ICD system will be studied. Students will primarily concentrate on serious mental disorders in the context of normal lifecycle transitions and review various methods of treatment related to the disorders covered. The course will make a concerted effort to apply the above to the "real world" of mental health professionals by examining treatment and assessment considerations.

CNS6050: Lifespan Development

Credits 4.5

This course includes studies that provide a broad understanding of the nature and needs of individuals at all levels of development: normal and abnormal behavior; personality theory; lifespan theory; and learning theory within cultural contexts. Appropriate strategies for facilitating development over the lifespan are also integrated into the course.

CNS6051: Diagnostics of Psychopathology and Treatment

Credits 4.5

This course provides advanced training in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of serious psychopathology as depicted in the standard nomenclature of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and subsequent revisions/editions. Students will focus on the descriptions, etiology, and major diagnostic categories in order to effectively diagnose and develop appropriate treatment options. In addition, students will learn how to utilize the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and Clinical Modification System according to the latest version. Upon completing the course, students will have an understanding of the techniques practitioners use in the diagnosis and treatment of psychopathology.

CNS6056: Lifespan Development Seminar

Credits 0.5
This course includes studies that provide a broad understanding of the nature and needs of individuals at all levels of development: normal and abnormal behavior; personality theory; lifespan theory; and learning theory within cultural contexts including an understanding of developmental crises, disability, psychopathology, and situational and environmental factors that affect both normal and abnormal behavior. Included in this course are current understandings about neurobiological behavior; theories and models of individual, cultural, couple, family, and community resilience; theories and etiology of addictions and addictive behaviors, including strategies for prevention, intervention, and treatment; and theories for facilitating optimal development and wellness over the life span. Appropriate strategies for facilitating development over the lifespan are also integrated into the course. In addition, the coursework shall highlight the effects of crises, disasters, and other trauma-causing events on persons of all ages. This course is designed for students who are desiring to fulfill the North Carolina Licensure requirements of this core course. Austin, Columbia, Richmond, Savannah, and Virginia Beach Campuses.

CNS6161: Counseling Techniques

Credits 4.0
A fundamental study of the helping relationship is provided. The course provides a broad understanding of philosophical bases of helping processes: counseling theories and their application: basic and advanced helping skills; consultation theories and their application: client and helper self-understanding and self-development; and facilitation of client change.

CNS6313: Professional Orientation and Ethics

Credits 4.5

This course will provide an in-depth review of the multifaceted aspects (historical, philosophical, societal, cultural, economic, political), professional identity (e.g., roles, functions), and practice issues (e.g., managed care, reimbursement, expert witness status) specific to Clinical Mental Health Counselors. The course also examines ethical and legal standards (ACA and AMHCA Code of Ethics), risk management, and professional credentialing according to the Foundations of Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

CNS6317: Professional and Ethical Issues Seminar

Credits 0.5
This course will provide an in-depth review of the multifaceted aspects (historical, philosophical, societal, cultural, economic, political), professional identity (e.g., roles, functions, self-care), and practice issues (e.g., managed care, reimbursement, expert witness status) specific to Clinical Mental Health Counselors. The course also examines ethical and legal standards (ACA and AMHCA Code of Ethics), risk management, supervision models, practices, and professional credentialing according to the Foundations of Clinical Mental Health Counseling. This course shall include the counselors' roles and responsibilities as members of an interdisciplinary emergency management response team during a local, regional, or national crisis, disaster or other trauma-causing event. This course is designed for students pursuing North Carolina Licensure requirements of this core course.

CNS6425: Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Credits 4.0

This course will provide an introduction to the field of clinical mental health counseling according to clinical and professional issues. Specifically, students will examine treatment delivery systems and gain an understanding of the dynamic interplay of professionals within these systems. The course will also focus on program analysis via theory and empirical methods.

CNS6504: Group Dynamics Seminar

Credits 0.5
A broad understanding of group development, dynamics, methods, and counseling theories is explored. Group leadership styles are discussed in addition to basic and advanced group counseling theories, methods, and skills. Different approaches to conducting group counseling are reviewed in addition to the appropriate counselor self-evaluation (e.g., moral), ethical, and legal considerations in the field of professional counseling. This course is designed for students pursuing North Carolina Licensure requirements of this core course.

CNS6509: Group Dynamics

Credits 4.5

This course provides a comprehensive overview of group development, dynamics, and counseling theories. Students will explore various group leadership styles and examine both fundamental and advanced methods and techniques in group counseling. The course covers diverse approaches to conducting group sessions while emphasizing the importance of counselor self-evaluation, including ethical and legal considerations critical to professional practice in the counseling field.

CNS6529: Research and Statistical Evaluation

Credits 4.5
Studies that provide a basic understanding of types of research are presented: basic statistics; research report development; and research implementation. Other areas studied include program evaluation; needs assessment; publication of research information; parametric and non-parametric statistics; quantitative and qualitative research designs; the use of computers for data management and analysis; including ethical and legal considerations pertinent to the professional counselor.

CNS6532: Research and Evaluation Seminar

Credits 0.5
Studies that provide a basic understanding of types of research are presented: basic statistics; research report development; and research implementation. The research includes studies that provide a broad understanding of the importance of research in advancing the counseling profession Other areas studied include program evaluation; needs assessment; publication of research information; parametric and non-parametric statistics; quantitative and qualitative research designs; the use of computers for data management and analysis; including ethical and legal considerations pertinent to the professional counselor including culturally relevant strategies for interpreting and reporting the results of research and program evaluation studies. This course is designed for students pursuing North Carolina Licensure requirements of this core course.

CNS6535: Clinical Mental Health Appraisal I

Credits 4.5

A broad understanding of group and individual educational and psychometric theories, ethical, and legal approaches to appraisal is the goal of this course; also examined are data and information gathering methods; validity and reliability; psychometric statistics; factors influencing appraisals; and use of appraisal results in helping processes. Also, the specific ability to select, administer and interpret tests and inventories to assess abilities, interests, and identify career options is considered.

CNS6538: Clinical Mental Health Appraisal Seminar

Credits 0.5
A broad understanding of group and individual educational and psychometric theories are covered in this course. Studies that provide a broad understanding of historical perspectives concerning the nature and meaning of assessment as well as basic concepts of standardized and non-standardized testing and other assessment techniques. Ethical and legal approaches to appraisal is the goal of this course. Also examined are data and information gathering methods; validity and reliability; psychometric statistics; factors influencing appraisals; social and cultural factors related to the assessment and evaluation; and ethical strategies for selecting, administering, and interpreting assessment, evaluation instruments and techniques in counseling and use of appraisal results in helping processes. Also, the specific ability to select, administer and interpret tests and inventories to assess abilities, interests, and identify career options is considered. This course is designed for students pursuing North Carolina Licensure requirements of this core course.

CNS6565: Multicultural Foundations

Credits 4.5
This course includes studies of multicultural and pluralistic trends including characteristics and concerns of diverse groups; attitudes and behavior based on factors such as age, race, religious preference, physical disability, social class, sexual orientation, ethnicity and culture, family patterns, and gender. This course is meant to sensitize students to the impact of culture on the counselor's understanding of individuals from diverse backgrounds, counselor self-evaluation (e.g., moral), ethical, and legal considerations in the context of professional counseling.

CNS6568: Multicultural Foundations Seminar

Credits 0.5
This course includes studies of multicultural and pluralistic trends including characteristics and concerns of diverse groups; providing an understanding of theories of multicultural counseling, identity development, and social justice while examining attitudes and behavior based on factors such as age, race, religious preference, physical disability, social class, sexual orientation, ethnicity and culture, family patterns, gender and review of the processes of intentional and unintentional oppression and discrimination. This course is meant to sensitize students to the impact of culture on the counselor's understanding of individuals from diverse backgrounds, counselor self-evaluation (e.g., moral), ethical, and legal considerations in the context of professional counseling. This coursework shall include study of attitudes, beliefs, understandings, and acculturative experiences, including specific experiential learning activities designed to foster students' understanding of self and culturally diverse clients. This course is designed for students pursuing North Carolina Licensure requirements of this core course.

CNS6602: Lifestyle and Career Development

Credits 4.5
This course includes studies that provide an understanding of career development theories and decision-making models; occupational and educational information sources and systems; assessment instruments and techniques relevant to career planning and decision-making; career, lifestyle, and leisure counseling, guidance and education; and career development program planning, resources, and effectiveness evaluation. Students also focus on counseling techniques involving special populations, the role of technology, counselor self-evaluation (e.g., moral), ethical, and legal considerations.

CNS6605: Lifestyle and Career Development Seminar

Credits 0.5
This course includes studies that provide an understanding of career development theories and decision-making models; occupational and educational information sources and systems; assessment instruments and techniques relevant to career planning and decision-making; career, lifestyle, and leisure counseling, guidance and education; and career development program planning, resources, and effectiveness evaluation in a global economy. Students also focus on counseling techniques involving special populations, the role of technology, counselor self-evaluation (e.g., moral), ethical, and legal considerations. The coursework shall increase the knowledge of the interrelationships among and between work, family, and other life roles and factors, including the role of multicultural issues in career development. This course is designed for students pursuing North Carolina Licensure requirements of this core course.

CNS6709: Couples, Marital, and Family Dynamics

Credits 4.0
A broad theoretical and practical foundation for counseling couples and families is emphasized. It provides a survey of current approaches in family, couples and marital counseling with an emphasis on various systemic models of family functioning and therapeutic intervention. This course provides an analysis of the importance of family, social and community systems in the treatment of mental and emotional disorders.

CNS6775: Counseling Administration, Advocacy, Supervision and Policy

Credits 4.0
A study of mental health services and program management involving administration, finance, and budgeting in the private and public sectors, in addition to both individual and group private practice models. Students will be exposed to the foundations and practices of clinical supervision in the context of professional development. The course will also provide knowledge concerning community consultation and strategies for engaging in advocacy for the profession, including public policy and governmental relations.

CNS6800: Human Sexuality

Credits 4.0
This course is designed for the counseling professional whose work will bring them in contact with client issues associated with human sexuality. Students will: develop their knowledge base in human sexuality, increase understanding of the varied sexuality issues that may be brought up in a counseling session, learn appropriate assessment and intervention skills when working with clients experiencing problems with their sexuality, and increase awareness of their own beliefs and perceptions related to sexuality issues. The goal of this course is to assist students in becoming more effective in identifying, assessing and intervening with human sexuality in the counseling field.

CNS6850: Psychopharmacology

Credits 4.0
The course is designed to expose students to the taxonomy, side effects, and contraindications of commonly prescribed psychopharmacological medications. It is intended that students will gain an understanding of the contributions of medication regarding mental illness and an awareness of the collaborative relationship with medical personnel in the field of mental health counseling.

CNS6901: Diagnosis and Treatment of Addictive Disorders

Credits 4.0

This course will introduce students to the history, philosophy, and trends in addictions counseling. Students will examine prevalence rates, etiology, course, duration, and the diagnostic features of disorders within a biopsychosocial context and through use of the DSM. Additionally, multiple treatment modalities will be explored with regard to inpatient, outpatient, residential, and self-help strategies.

CNS7010: Pre-Practicum IA

Credits 1.0

In this pre-practicum experience, the student is required to receive 15 hours of faculty instruction that will focus on writing a resume and cover letter, identifying possible clinical placement sites, interviewing at potential clinical sites, securing a site and signing a field agreement, purchasing liability insurance, clinical skills practice, and reviewing necessary paperwork for practicum and internship.

CNS7011: Practicum IB (100 clinical hours)

Credits 1.0
In this second course, supervised field placement experience, the student is required to spend a minimum of 10 hours per week at the field placement site and to have a minimum of 40 direct contact (counseling) hours with clients, receive 10 hours of individual supervision, and receive 15 hours of group supervision during the academic term. During the practicum, the student will apply knowledge and skills learned throughout the curriculum in work with actual clients. This course is taken by students pursuing the Clinical Mental Health Counseling track and students pursuing the advanced training required to assess and treat serious problems as categorized in the standard diagnostic nomenclature in the state of South Carolina.

CNS7510: Internship IA (200 clinical hours)

Credits 4.0
During this internship experience, the student is expected to perform activities a regularly employed staff member would perform. Students are required to spend a minimum of 20 hours per week at the field placement site and to have a minimum of 90 direct service hours (minimum of 9 hours/ week) with clients, receive a minimum of 25 hours of supervision during the academic term of which 10 hours must be individual supervision and 15 hours group supervision.

CNS7610: Internship IIA (200 clinical hours)

Credits 4.0
During this internship experience, the student is expected to perform activities a regularly employed staff member would perform. Students are required to spend a minimum of 20 hours per week at the field placement site and to have a minimum of 90 direct service hours (minimum of 9 hours/ week) with clients, receive a minimum of 25 hours of supervision during the academic term of which 10 hours must be individual supervision and 15 hours group supervision.

CNS7611: Internship IIB (200 clinical hours)

Credits 4.0
During this internship experience, the student is expected to perform activities a regularly employed staff member would perform. Students are required to spend a minimum of 20 hours per week at the field placement site and to have a minimum of 90 direct service hours (minimum of 9 hours/ week) with clients, receive a minimum of 25 hours of supervision during the academic term of which 10 hours must be individual supervision and 15 hours group supervision.

CNS7900: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar

Credits 0
This course is designed to serve as an academic, clinical and professional development opportunity for students to gain 1) additional experience and knowledge regarding case conceptualizations and clinical skill development, 2) professional presentation experience in the context of campus and system-wide audiences, 3) advanced knowledge regarding ethical, legal, and professional issues in the profession, 4) exposure to techniques that will enhance their professional development and marketability following graduation in the context of employment and/or graduate studies at the doctoral level. Pass/Fail

CNS7901: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar

Credits 0
This course is designed to serve as an academic, clinical and professional development opportunity for students to gain 1) additional experience and knowledge regarding case conceptualizations and clinical skill development, 2) professional presentation experience in the context of campus and system-wide audiences, 3) advanced knowledge regarding ethical, legal, and professional issues in the profession, 4) exposure to techniques that will enhance their professional development and marketability following graduation in the context of employment and/or graduate studies at the doctoral level. Pass/Fail

CNS7902: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar

Credits 0
This course is designed to serve as an academic, clinical and professional development opportunity for students to gain 1) additional experience and knowledge regarding case conceptualizations and clinical skill development, 2) professional presentation experience in the context of campus and system-wide audiences, 3) advanced knowledge regarding ethical, legal, and professional issues in the profession, 4) exposure to techniques that will enhance their professional development and marketability following graduation in the context of employment and/or graduate studies at the doctoral level. Pass/Fail

CNS7903: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar

Credits 0
This course is designed to serve as an academic, clinical and professional development opportunity for students to gain 1) additional experience and knowledge regarding case conceptualizations and clinical skill development, 2) professional presentation experience in the context of campus and system-wide audiences, 3) advanced knowledge regarding ethical, legal, and professional issues in the profession, 4) exposure to techniques that will enhance their professional development and marketability following graduation in the context of employment and/or graduate studies at the doctoral level. Pass/Fail

CNS7904: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar

Credits 0
This course is designed to serve as an academic, clinical and professional development opportunity for students to gain 1) additional experience and knowledge regarding case conceptualizations and clinical skill development, 2) professional presentation experience in the context of campus and system-wide audiences, 3) advanced knowledge regarding ethical, legal, and professional issues in the profession, 4) exposure to techniques that will enhance their professional development and marketability following graduation in the context of employment and/or graduate studies at the doctoral level. Pass/Fail

CNS7905: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar

Credits 0
This course is designed to serve as an academic, clinical and professional development opportunity for students to gain 1) additional experience and knowledge regarding case conceptualizations and clinical skill development, 2) professional presentation experience in the context of campus and system-wide audiences, 3) advanced knowledge regarding ethical, legal, and professional issues in the profession, 4) exposure to techniques that will enhance their professional development and marketability following graduation in the context of employment and/or graduate studies at the doctoral level. Pass/Fail

CNS7906: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar

Credits 0

This course is designed to serve as an academic, clinical and professional development opportunity for students to gain 1) additional experience and knowledge regarding case conceptualizations and clinical skill development, 2) professional presentation experience in the context of campus and system-wide audiences, 3) advanced knowledge regarding ethical, legal, and professional issues in the profession, 4) exposure to techniques that will enhance their professional development and marketability following graduation in the context of employment and/or graduate studies at the doctoral level. Pass/Fail

CNS7907: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar

Credits 0
This course is designed to serve as an academic, clinical and professional development opportunity for students to gain 1) additional experience and knowledge regarding case conceptualizations and clinical skill development, 2) professional presentation experience in the context of campus and system-wide audiences, 3) advanced knowledge regarding ethical, legal, and professional issues in the profession, 4) exposure to techniques that will enhance their professional development and marketability following graduation in the context of employment and/or graduate studies at the doctoral level. Pass/Fail

CNS7908: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar

Credits 0
This course is designed to serve as an academic, clinical and professional development opportunity for students to gain 1) additional experience and knowledge regarding case conceptualizations and clinical skill development, 2) professional presentation experience in the context of campus and system-wide audiences, 3) advanced knowledge regarding ethical, legal, and professional issues in the profession, 4) exposure to techniques that will enhance their professional development and marketability following graduation in the context of employment and/or graduate studies at the doctoral level. Pass/Fail

CNS7909: Clinical and Professional Development Seminar

Credits 0
This course is designed to serve as an academic, clinical and professional development opportunity for students to gain 1) additional experience and knowledge regarding case conceptualizations and clinical skill development, 2) professional presentation experience in the context of campus and system-wide audiences, 3) advanced knowledge regarding ethical, legal, and professional issues in the profession, 4) exposure to techniques that will enhance their professional development and marketability following graduation in the context of employment and/or graduate studies at the doctoral level. Pass/Fail

CNS7950: Child/Adolescent Psychopathology and Treatment

Credits 4.0
This course involves an in-depth analysis of abnormal behaviors in children and adolescents. The etiology, definition, prevalence rate, and morbidity of disorders in the DSM-IV-TR are reviewed. The course will focus on an introduction to the science and art of clinical assessment as the foundation of practice in mental health settings and the use of assessment techniques in a professional and ethical manner, toward the implementation of treatment. In part, adjustment disorders, V codes, and the ICD system will be studied. Students will primarily concentrate on serious mental disorders in the context of normal lifecycle transitions and review various methods of treatment related to the disorders covered. The course will make a concerted effort to apply the above to the "real world" of mental health professionals by examining treatment and assessment considerations.

CNS7970: Crisis and Trauma

Credits 4.0
This course will provide an understanding of biopsychosocial factors involved with the presentation of mental illness. In particular, students will learn the advanced skills necessary for conducting intake interviews, mental status examinations, and treatment planning for mental illnesses for the purpose of assessing, diagnosing, planning treatment intervention, and managing caseloads in a clinical mental health setting.

CNS8100: Preliminary Clinical Evaluation

Credits 0
This experience is designed to serve as a preliminary examination of the knowledge and skills obtained/achieved by a student, to date, in the program. The bodies of knowledge include (yet are not limited to) Clinical Intervention and Professional Practice Issues. The examination is comprised of 1) Clinical Case Conceptualizations and a 2) Mental Status Examination. Students must pass all portions of the exam in order to advance in the program. Those desiring to take the examination must have student status (as defined by South University) in order to enroll and sit for the exam. Pass/Fail

CNS8101: Preliminary Didactic Evaluation

Credits 0

This experience is designed to serve as a preliminary examination of the knowledge and skills obtained/achieved by a student, to date, in the program. The bodies of knowledge include (yet are not limited to) Human Growth and Development, Social and Cultural Foundations, Helping Relationships, Group Work, Career and Lifestyle Development, Appraisal, Research and Program Evaluation, Professional Orientation and Ethics, Fundamentals of Counseling, Assessment and Career Counseling, and Group Counseling. The examination is comprised of a multiple-choice exam. Students must pass all portions of the exam in order to advance in the program. Those desiring to take the examination must have student status (as defined by South University) in order to enroll and sit for the exam. Pass/Fail

CNS8201: Clinical Evaluation

Credits 0
This experience is designed to serve as the formal examination of the knowledge and skills obtained/achieved by a student, to date, in the program. The bodies of knowledge include (yet are not limited to) Clinical Intervention and Professional Practice Issues. The examination is comprised of 1) Clinical Case Conceptualizations and a 2) Mental Status Examination. Students must pass all portions of the exam in order to advance in the program. Those desiring to take the examination must have student status (as defined by South University) in order to enroll and sit for the exam. Pass/Fail

CNS8202: Comprehensive Evaluation

Credits 0
This experience is designed to serve as the formal examination of the knowledge and skills obtained/achieved by a student, to date, in the program. The bodies of knowledge include (yet are not limited to) Human Growth and Development, Social and Cultural Foundations, Helping Relationships, Group Work, Career and Lifestyle Development, Appraisal, Research and Program Evaluation, Professional Orientation and Ethics, Fundamentals of Counseling, Assessment and Career Counseling, and Group Counseling. The examination is comprised of a multiple-choice exam. Students must pass all portions of the exam in order to advance in the program. Those desiring to take the examination must have student status (as defined by South University) in order to enroll and sit for the exam.