Student Support

Advising Services

Short-term counseling services are available to assist students in resolving academic, career, and personal problems. University personnel can help students plan their educational programs, as well as adjust to the demands of university level studies. Personal advising is provided for any student who seeks aid in solving and understanding individual problems. Advising services are available at all campuses during the day and in the evening by appointment through the dean of student affairs. Students identified as needing additional counseling resources will be referred to external agencies.

Fully online students should contact their Academic Counselor to obtain advising services information.

Digital Bookshelves and Digital Textbooks 

A majority of South University courses now include digital textbooks (eBooks) that help to enhance the learning experience by providing instant and convenient access to course materials. Digital textbooks are accessible from within courses, which are then placed in each student’s unique bookshelf accounts. More information on digital bookshelves—including account-creation help, troubleshooting, and features—is available in the Student Portal. In the event that a digital textbook is not available, students are responsible for independently purchasing hard-copy traditional textbooks that are not digitally accessible in courses.

For details on operating systems and device compatibility with digital bookshelves, please refer to the resources found in the student portal.  If you need additional support, you can find more resources and contact information for help in the Student Portal.

Career Services

While the primary focus of the Career Services office is to assist students upon graduation, any enrolled student may seek employment information through this office. Although South University does not guarantee employment, it is vitally important to both the graduate and the University that each student obtains appropriate employment. Therefore, as students approach the final year of their programs, specific and personalized assistance is provided in the preparation of professional resumes and cover letters, as well as in job search strategies and interviewing skills. Career services are provided to South University graduates at no additional charge.

Please see the Director of Career Services or Dean of Student Affairs for assistance or information.

Campus Security

South University publishes an annual security report that contains information concerning policies and programs relating to campus security, crimes and emergencies, the prevention of crimes and sexual offenses, drug and alcohol use, campus law enforcement and access to campus facilities. The annual security report also includes statistics concerning the occurrence of specified types of crimes on campus, at certain off-campus locations, and on the public property surrounding the campus. The annual security report is published each year by October 1 and contains statistics for the three most recent calendar years. The annual security report is provided to all current students and employees. A copy of the most recent annual security report may be obtained from the Student Affairs office during regular business hours. Copies of the Crime Report are available on the University's website in the Student Consumer Information section.

In addition to the annual security report, South University maintains a crime log recording all reported crimes. The crime log is available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Student Affairs office. South University will report to the campus community concerning the occurrence of any crime includable in the annual security report that is reported to campus security or local police and that is considered to be a threat to students or employees.

South University reminds all students that they are ultimately responsible for their own actions regarding their safety and welfare.  

Campus Crime Report Link 
High Point Point/crime-report-high-point.pdf 
Online Programs 
Virginia Beach 
West Palm Beach 

Disability Services

South University Disability Services ensures students with disabilities equal access to the college's educational programs, opportunities and activities. Qualified students requesting reasonable and appropriate accommodations receive services to eliminate physical, programmatic and attitudinal barriers that may arise with disabilities.  

Students who seek reasonable accommodations should notify the Dean of Student Affairs at their campus location. Students will be asked to submit medical documentation of the need for accommodation to the campus Dean of Student Affairs.  Classroom accommodations are not retroactive, but are effective only upon the student sharing approved accommodations with the instructor.  Therefore, students are encouraged to request accommodations as early as during the Admissions process to allow for time to gather necessary documentation.  If you have further questions, contact the Dean of Student Affairs associated with your campus location. Please see the Appendix at the end of the catalog for contact information for each South University location.*Complaints will be handled in accordance with the school’s Internal Grievance Procedure for Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment included in this section of the Academic Catalog.

Health and Wellness

Health and wellness is an active and lifelong process, involving positive decision making and finding balance between priorities. It is tied to awareness and to making choices that lead to being happier, healthier and more fulfilled lives.  As a South University student, you have access to a free resource for counseling called the Student Assistance Program.  The Student Assistance Program provides access to both a twenty-four-hour seven day a week telephone number that connects the individual with a professional counselor and an interactive website with a downloadable app to assist students. The services provided include mental health counseling, coaching, medical advocacy, legal/financial resource referrals and family life resource referrals. For additional college and local resources, contact the Dean of Student Affairs.

Please see the Appendix at the end of the catalog for contact information for each South University location.

Library Services

South University provides library facilities for its students at each of the main campus locations. Virtual support services are provided for all campuses, including branches. The libraries are easily accessible and house print collections consisting of general and reference books, periodicals, and other non-print media to support students in their studies. Campus library facilities offer students group and quiet study spaces. Campus libraries post their operating hours.

Electronic resources are available to all students, faculty, and staff through the Library’s web site. Digital resources include e-books, journals, and video content. Electronic resources are available 24 hours a day/365 days a year. Virtual support services include email, text, and chat services. Chat hours are posted on the Library home page.

South University libraries expand their patrons' access to resources outside of their own facilities through inter-library loan services. Students can request articles that are not available in South University Library’s collection, and the Library will locate the article(s) and deliver them to the student, usually via email. 

Library Directors participate in new student and faculty orientation. A library overview webinar is offered to all students at the start of each academic term. In the webinar, students are informed of the types of materials available, how to locate information, and how to use library resources to the greatest advantage. Additional webinars on Understanding APA 7 and PERRLA are also offered.

Each campus library maintains a policies and procedures manual providing guidance on various topics including checking out materials and overdue books. Campus students may request access to specific policies from the Library Director. Online students can contact Chat services or submit an email to request information about specific policies and/or procedures.

Campus libraries provide a reserve collection for use by students, faculty, and staff. Reserved materials are usually identified by faculty members as resources for specific courses. Reserved materials are for reference purposes and are restricted to the library.