ITS4232: Information Systems Security I

Area of Study
Credits 4.0
Variable Credits
This course is the first course in a two-course sequence on information systems security. The course covers the material needed to prepare for the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification from the International Information System Security Certification Consortium, (ISC)2. The course covers the domains of security and risk management, asset security, security engineering, and communication and network security. Security and risk management addresses the framework and policies, concepts, principles, structures, and standards used to establish criteria for the protection of information assets and assess the effectiveness of that protection. Asset security examines the concepts, principles, structures, and standards used to monitor and secure assets and controls used to enforce various levels of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Security engineering describes the concepts, principles, structures, and standards used to design, implement, monitor, and secure, operating systems, equipment, networks, applications, and controls to achieve required levels of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Communication and network security encompasses the structures, transmission methods, transport formats, and security measures used to provide confidentiality, integrity, and availability for transmissions over private and public communications networks and media. The course includes interactive learning resources and a virtual lab.

