Health and Safety

Campus Security

South University publishes an annual security report that contains information concerning policies and programs relating to campus security, crimes and emergencies, the prevention of crimes and sexual offenses, drug and alcohol use, campus law enforcement and access to campus facilities. The annual security report also includes statistics concerning the occurrence of specified types of crimes on campus, at certain off-campus locations, and on the public property surrounding the campus. The annual security report is published each year by October 1st and contains statistics for the three most recent calendar years. The annual security report is provided to all current students and employees. A copy of the most recent annual security report may be obtained from the Dean of Student Affairs during regular business hours.  Copies of the Crime Report are available on the South University website in the Student Consumer Information section.

In addition to the annual security report, South University maintains a crime log recording all reported crimes. The crime log is available for public inspection during regular business hours by request in the Department of Student Affairs. South University will report to the campus community concerning the occurrence of any crime includable in the annual security report that is reported to campus security or local police and that is considered to be a threat to students or employees.

South University reminds all students that they are ultimately responsible for their own actions regarding their safety and welfare.

Drug free schools and communities information as well as South University graduation rate information is also available at this site. A paper copy of this report may be obtained from the Dean of Student Affairs.

You can find the report by clicking on the Campus below. 


South University, Atlanta

South University, Austin

South University, Columbia

South University, High Point

South University, Montgomery

South University, Online Programs

South University, Orlando

South University, Richmond

South University, Savannah

South University, Tampa

South University, Virginia Beach

South University, West Palm Beach

Campus Safety

South University provides students and staff with a well-maintained campus.  Access to buildings is limited and unauthorized persons will be asked to leave.

Any occurrence of criminal activity should be reported to the Dean of Student Affairs, the security officer or the front desk immediately. The Dean of Student Affairs will complete a South University Incident Report in such cases. The local Police Department will also be notified in order for a uniformed police officer to respond, make a preliminary investigation and write a police report.

All students and staff are asked to take reasonable precautions for their own safety as well as the safety of the other members of the campus community. To reduce the chance of potential problems, it is suggested that you take some basic precautions:

  1. Do not leave purses, wallets, or book-bags unattended on campus.
  2. Always lock your car. Do not leave valuable items visible in parked cars.
  3. Walk in pairs on campus after dark.
  4. Report suspicious behavior immediately to security or other campus official.

The South University community shares the responsibility for practicing good safety habits and abiding by the policies and procedures designed for campus security.

Emergency Notification

Students are strongly encouraged to subscribe to South University’s electronic emergency notification system, known as My Campus Alert. In an emergency, My Campus Alert will enable authorized college officials to reach members of the campus community through mechanisms other than regular college email and telephones. The system can transmit short notifications by email to any outside email address, by text message to a cell phone, or by voice message to an off-campus telephone. The information in the emergency notification system will be used primarily to contact you in case of emergency, an evacuation due to a natural disaster, or some other urgent situation that requires rapid, wide-scale notification of your campus community. Students may set up their accounts by following instructions provided via the welcome e-mail from Rave Mobility.

Fire Evacuation

Fire extinguishers are located throughout the campus and can be used for small fires. In case of a major fire, all individuals should remain calm and leave the building through the closest door or emergency exit available. Evacuations should be orderly with no running or unnecessary talking. Maps and signs of emergency exits are posted in each classroom.

Inclement Weather Policy

In the event of severe weather conditions, students will be notified of the cancellation or delay of classes via the South University My Campus Alert System.  Whenever possible, notification of cancelled or delayed courses will occur at least three (3) hours prior to the course start time.  Cancelled courses may require make-up course meeting times, or additional assignments.  Faculty will notify students at the next regularly scheduled class meeting how the missed class time will be made up, if warranted.

The complete policy is located in the South University Academic Catalog, Student Affairs section.

Weather Announcements

In the event of inclement weather, all students and personnel should assume that classes will be held unless notified by My Campus Alert, radio or television announcements. South University will use all major media stations in the area when making announcements.

Health Insurance and Medical Referrals

Students are encouraged to maintain health insurance and coverage for their well-being. The University recommends international students obtain health insurance. Additionally, certain academic programs in the School of Health Professions require students to maintain health insurance. If a specific program has health insurance requirements, it will be outlined in the College or Program’s Admissions policies located in the South University Academic Catalog, Admissions section.

Information concerning medical and dental providers as well as emergency resources is available from the Dean of Student Affairs. In the event of a medical emergency, the emergency medical service will be contacted by calling 911. Students are, however, responsible for any resulting expenses. Students should review their personal and family insurance policies to determine whether adequate coverage exists.         

Immunization Policy

The South University shall recognize all state and federal vaccination and immunization requirements and are responsible for ensuring compliance with applicable requirements.  The South University Academic Catalog, Student Affairs section has more information on state and federal vaccine requirements.

Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program and the Drug-Free Workplace and Campus Program

In keeping with section 120(a) through (d) of The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, including the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226), a “Drug Free Schools and Campuses” publication, the ‘Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program and the Drug-Free Workplace and Campus Program’, is provided to all students and employees annually.

Pursuant to federal and state drug laws, employees and students are prohibited from the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, sale or use of illicit/illegal drugs. The college also enforces state laws regarding underage drinking. This prohibition applies while on the property of the college or when participating in any institutional activity. Students or employees who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to, and including, expulsion from the college or termination of employment.

For more information please click on the link below to view the Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program and the Drug-Free Workplace and Campus Program.


South University, Atlanta

South University, Austin

South University, Columbia

South University, High Point

South University, Montgomery

South University, Orlando

South University, Richmond

South University, Savannah

South University, Tampa

South University, Virginia Beach

South University, West Palm Beach

Procedures Following Suicide Threats and Attempts

South University is committed to the well-being and safety of its students. The University expects and encourages students to maintain a reasonable concern for their own self-welfare and in turn, the welfare of the school community. In the event that the University has reasonable cause to believe that a student attempted, will attempt, or has engaged in efforts to prepare to commit suicide, the University may require the student to suspend their studies at the University until the student can demonstrate that they have sought help or assistance from others including mental health professionals, support groups or any other resource that offer support around suicidality. 

Students with psychological impairments that affect the student’s ability to function in the school community (academically, socially or otherwise) may opt for a medical withdrawal or a medical leave of absence.  The University, at its discretion, may set restrictions and/or conditions for the student to return to the University including receiving outside counseling.

The University does not provide the long-term psychological treatment that is necessary for students experiencing suicidal distress. Because of the serious nature of attempted suicide and/or suicidal ideation, the student’s parents or other support person(s) may be contacted by the school and informed of the student’s condition. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) permits school officials to contact parents without the student’s consent, “if knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health and safety of the student or other individuals.” If circumstances indicate further harm may come to a student by contacting family members, other options may apply.