Occupational Therapy Assistant

Degrees and Certificates


OTA1001: Introduction to Occupational Therapy

Credits 3.0
This course introduces concepts of human occupation and the framework for practice and examines the role of occupational therapy in a variety of settings. Topics include history and philosophical principles, meaning of occupation, the Occupational Therapy Framework: Domain and Process; Standards of Practice; Code of Ethics, current and emerging practice areas, roles of the registered occupational therapist and the certified occupational therapy assistant, evidence-based practice, credentialing requirements and professional associations.

OTA1003: Introduction to Occupational Therapy Assistant

Credits 3.0
This course introduces concepts of human occupation and the framework for practice and examines the role of occupational therapy in a variety of settings. Topics include history and philosophical principles, meaning of occupation, the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process; Standards of Practice; Code of Ethics, current and emerging practice areas, roles of the registered occupational therapist and the certified occupational therapy assistant, evidence-based practice, credentialing requirements and professional associations.

OTA1011: Medical Conditions

Credits 3.0
The course will examine the etiology and symptoms of clinical conditions that are commonly referred to in occupational therapy. This includes topics on trauma, disease and congenital conditions that can impact human occupations and performance. Procedures and precautions ensuring safety of clients and caregivers will be reviewed.

OTA1020: Occupational Analysis I

Credits 4.0

This course will focus on the observations, analysis, and performance of human occupation in work, self-care, and play/leisure throughout the lifespan. The major emphasis of this course is analysis of occupations and occupational performance through activity analysis. The process of teaching and learning and the language of occupational therapy will be incorporated.

OTA1031: Occupational Therapy in Mental Health

Credits 5.0

This course will center on the occupational therapy process in relation to individuals with psychosocial conditions and/or challenges across the lifespan. Emphasis is placed on historical and theoretical overview, clinical characteristics and medical management, assessments and intervention, evidence-based practice, and issues impacting holistic psychosocial OT practice.

OTA1039: Level I Fieldwork in Mental Health

Credits 1.0

Students will be placed on a Level I Fieldwork experience for 30 hours that offers students an opportunity to observe and assist practitioners and/or staff working with people who have psychosocial conditions. Students will observe client assessment and intervention, as appropriate, and learn about issues impacting holistic psychosocial occupational therapy practice. The Level I Fieldwork experience provides opportunities to apply academic course preparation in a psychosocial setting. This course is Pass/Fail (P/F).

OTA1045: Professional Documentation

Credits 1.0

This course provides training in professional documentation, record keeping for accountability and reimbursement. Focus is also on other verbal and nonverbal professional communication. Content includes structure and function of daily note writing, patient/client evaluation such as data gathering, reassessment, treatment recommendations, home programing and discharge planning. Students learn to write behavioral objectives and assist the occupational therapist with goal writing. Documentation for quality assurance, insurance systems, and various methods for documentation are explored. Legal and ethical implications for documentation are included.

OTA2020: Occupational Analysis II

Credits 4.0
This course will focus on the development of skills in adapting and grading self-care, work, play and leisure occupations for individuals throughout the lifespan. Emphasis is also placed on the development of therapeutic use of self, and group assessment and occupation-based activities. Topics include standardized and non-standardized assessments/evaluations, assistive technology, and low vision adaptations.

OTA2031: Occupational Therapy for Children and Adolescents

Credits 5.0

A review of human development from birth through adolescence provides an understanding of behavior in children and adolescents. Emphasis is placed on occupational performance of typical and atypical individuals, theory and application, frames of reference, evidence-based practice, the occupational therapy process, and roles of the OT and OTA in the delivery of holistic pediatric services in various practice settings.

OTA2039: Level I Fieldwork for Children and Adolescents

Credits 1.0

Students will be placed on a Level I Fieldwork experience for 30 hours that offers students an opportunity to observe and assist practitioners and/or staff working with typical and atypical children and adolescents. Student will observe client assessment and intervention, as appropriate, and learn about issues impacting holistic pediatric occupational therapy practice. The Level I Fieldwork experience provides opportunities to apply academic course preparation to practice settings working with children and adolescents. This course is Pass/Fail (P/F).

OTA2041: Movement for Human Occupation

Credits 4.0
This course will focus on the development of skills in adapting and grading self-care, work, and leisure occupations for individuals throughout the lifespan. Students review origins and insertions of upper limb musculature while learning how to conduct tests for range of motion, muscle strength and coordination. The biomechanics portion of the course will address posture, balance and transfers. Students will explore movement and positioning using crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, mobile arm supports and suspension slings; movement will be applied to human occupation.

OTA2051: Occupational Therapy for Adults and the Elderly

Credits 5.0

This course will emphasize occupational performance of typical and atypical individuals, theory and application, frames of reference, evidence-based practice, the occupational therapy process, and roles of the occupational therapist and occupational therapy assistant in the holistic delivery of physical rehabilitation services in various practice settings.

OTA2059: Level I Fieldwork for Adults and the Elderly

Credits 1.0

Students will be placed on a Level I Fieldwork experience for 30 hours that offers an opportunity to observe and assist practitioners and/or staff working with typical and atypical adults and the elderly. Students will observe client assessment and intervention, as appropriate, and learn about issues impacting holistic adult and the elderly occupational therapy practice. The Level I Fieldwork experience provides opportunities to apply academic course preparation to practice settings of adult and the elderly populations. This course is Pass/Fail (P/F).

OTA2060: Occupational Therapy Management

Credits 4.0
This course examines basic management and support tasks relevant to the role of the occupational therapy assistant. Emphasis is placed on ethical and legal issues related to occupational therapy practice, the roles and functions of regulatory agencies, funding and reimbursement systems, and health care delivery systems. Students complete experiential learning with program development.

OTA2071: Community Practice

Credits 2.0
The occupational therapy process will be explored in relation to populations of individuals in the community in various settings in all contexts throughout the lifespan. Focus will be on health literacy, wellness, prevention, maintenance and client advocacy as well as client/caregiver education and training. Home and community programming throughout the lifespan will also be addressed.

OTA2080: Professional Issues

Credits 2.0

This course is designed to examine professional issues related to standards of practice and the code of ethics. Role delineation of the occupational therapist and occupational therapy assistant will be discussed as well as supervision requirements in fieldwork and in the professional field. Students will investigate professional issues, the role of agencies and associations that support and regulate occupational practice and advocacy roles of the occupational therapy assistant. Students will analyze issues and make decisions to resolve personal and organizational conflict in support of clinical practice. Student will use evidence-based practice to support decisions made in collaboration with the OTR and other professionals.

OTA2380: Level II Fieldwork A

Credits 8.0

Level II Fieldwork A is a full-time, eight-week fieldwork educational course for students to gain experience in an approved setting focused on helping individuals regain social, emotional, spiritual, occupational, intellectual and physical wellness. Students apply academic knowledge and skills to gain entry level competencies under the graded supervision of a licensed occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant. 240 contact hours. Pass/Fail course.

OTA2385: Fieldwork Seminar A

Credits 4.0
This course assimilates and refines skills in clinical reasoning and clinical problem solving while supporting the use of evidence-based practice during Level II Fieldwork A. Based on real clinical scenarios, role delineation of the occupational therapist and occupational therapy assistant will be addressed as will ethics and confidentiality.

OTA2390: Level II Fieldwork B

Credits 8.0

Level II Fieldwork B is a full-time, eight-week fieldwork educational course for students to gain experience in an approved setting focused on helping individuals regain social, emotional, spiritual, occupational, intellectual and physical wellness. Students are assigned to a setting offering diverse experiences from those gained in Level II Fieldwork A. Students apply academic knowledge and skills to gain entry level competencies under the graded supervision of a licensed occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant. 240 contact hours. Pass/Fail.

OTA2395: Fieldwork Seminar B

Credits 4.0
Actual clinical problems, scenarios, and client cases will be used to assist the student in assimilating ethics, clinical information and knowledge related to skills in clinical reasoning and problem solving. Emphasis will also be placed on the use of evidence-based practice as it relates to the Level II Fieldwork experience.