Doctor of Ministry Student Conduct

The South University Student Handbook defines a Code of Conduct that must be followed by all students.  Failure to comply with general University policies may result in dismissal from the Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) program and the University according to the defined disciplinary procedures enforced by the University administration.  D.Min. students are representatives of their faith communities and ambassadors of their faith traditions.  As such we hold each other to the highest standards of personal and professional conduct.  

Religious diversity and respect.  It is expected that Doctor of Ministry students will treat all South University students, faculty, and staff with the highest levels of dignity and respect regardless of religious belief and practice.

Professional conduct.  Students in the Doctor of Ministry program are expected to abide by the highest standards of professional integrity in their practice of ministry.  The standards of professional conduct adopted by the American Association of Pastoral Counselors ( and the Association of Professional Chaplains ( offer more information about appropriate professional conduct in ministry settings.

A fuller presentation of student conduct issues can be found in the Doctor of Ministry Student Handbook.