ITS4117: Web Stack Construction

Area of Study
Credits 4.0

This course guides students through the development of enterprise-quality web applications using current web development frameworks. The course adopts a step-by-step approach by example to web application development using open-source technologies, including but not limited to, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Node.js, a JavaScript-based framework. In this course, students will:

  • create a frontend with React
  • create a backend with Node.js, Express and Mongo dB
  • setting up a database with MongoDB to connect the frontend to the backend creating a full stack

The React, Express JS and Node.js combination provides tools to run web applications on both the client and the server side. Throughout the course, the students learn foundational security concepts and best practices pertaining to enterprise-quality web development, which are applied to secure end-to-end web applications from common cyber threats.

